The Human Soul is in a State of Amnesia

It appears that the true human identity is in a state of amnesia. It has forgotten its unique spiritual essence and creativity. Consequently, there is a profound lack of clarity, sense of purpose, meaning, and direction for the human soul. It is refusing to embrace its true nature. It refuses responsibility for its own creations in life and has embraced the life of the mistaken identity. This state of mental imprisonment makes us more vulnerable to manipulation and control by outside entities.

Industrialism, the intentional misuse of technology and consumerism reinforces the mistaken identity. These existing models lack nourishing individuals or the earth. Basic human needs for shelter, food, a sense of safety, security, self-worth, esteem, and opportunities to grow and flourish to one’s full potential are not being met. Its success rate in supporting entities to attain its highest potential is minimal given the human capacity as we understand it today. The human being is far greater than the typical labels, categories, algorithms, and other boxes used to describe it.

The mistaken identity is Soul less not Soul full. it is empty and disheartened lacking hope and inspiration. There appears to be a disconnect between the mind and heart in its communication and self-expression as it shows up in the world. One could describe this false perception of self, as an overdeveloped mental body emulating the size of its ego filled with illusions that prolong the amnesia and reinforces the mistaken identity.

Science knows today that the human being is pure consciousness. Call it what you want. God, Divine Creator, Universal Consciousness, etc. What is essential to understand is that we are all connected to this one source of pure consciousness. The mistaken identity deceives itself into believing it is separate from others, and from the planet, it lives on. This perception of oneself and this view of the world creates suffering for the individual, family, community, nation, and world today. This unhappiness, depression, fear, conflict, chaos, violence, war, and self-destruction is completely out of harmony with our true nature. The mistaken identity cannot sustain itself. It too has to evolve you see, and it appears to me that its natural evolution, its next step is in the awakening and embracing of one’s true self-identity. I describe the human as a Divine Creative Soul spirit with the power of choice = intention and desire. As creative soul spirits, we are choosing our thought, feelings, and life experiences for our own soul’s growth and expansion.

Our Hawaiʻian Ancestors understood the secret in life was in knowing who you are at the core of your being. They valued lokahi (low-kah-ee), having a peaceful mind, heart, and body. They understood and were guided by universal principles, which are natural spiritual laws that govern our universe. Law of Oneness, Forgiveness, Compassion, What We View Appears, Karma, Grace and there are more. These laws do not require your belief to have an impact on your life. The law of oneness is profound in the hoʻoponopono way of life. It teaches us that we are not mere observers in life, but rather the creators. Everything animate and inanimate is pure energy. The law of oneness demonstrates our connectedness to all things including the earth and the heavens. Many, if not all native cultures understand these principles and how they apply in our everyday life. Are you aware of these universal principles impacting your life? These spiritual laws and teachings hold true over time. and are worth learning if one’s goal is to live a self-sufficient, balanced, and harmonious life in which one’s purpose can be realized.

The ho`oponopono way of life begins with one’s self-identity and how life is viewed through the lens of that identity.


Do you know who you truly are? Do you allow outside entities (family, friends, relationships, career, government, religion, etc. to define who you are? Think about these questions. If ever there was a need and time for the human soul to awaken from this state of amnesia, it is now. This hoʻoponopono way of life helps to awaken us from amnesia and helps us to remember who we truly are. We learn to embrace the creator that we are and learn to accept responsibility for our creations in life. The magic in this way of life is we get to choose what we want to do with our creations in life? Release, transform, nurture, grow, our choice. As one student stated, “I like believing I am the creator in my life. because it puts me in control. I know what is best for me. I know myself the best and I get to choose.” I think she stated the truth quite well. How about you? Do you resonate with what this individual is saying? The hoʻoponopono way of life has awakened many individuals from this state of amnesia; helped them to reclaim their true identity and moved them forward in life.

You are invited to visit my website at to learn more about my recently published non-fiction book, The Hoʻoponopono Way of Life: A Model for Awakening and Embracing the Human Soul’s True Identity. You may be interested in signing up for the online courses, group empowerment workshops, or 1:1 personal freedom life coaching that I am offering. Many blessings and aloha to you. Mahalo! E’o


Confidence and what holds us back


Hoʻoponopono helps us to embrace true love