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You can purchase Donna Vida’s Ho’oponopono Way of Life: A Model for Awakening and Embracing the Human Soul’s True Identity below.

ISBN 978-1-9822-79110

Contact and FAQS

What is the hoʻoponopono way of life?

It is a model for creating peace and harmony in oneself and the world. The root word is pono. Pono means grounded in harmony and centered in truth. Pono is also about doing the right thing, that is making choices that are in alignment with one’s true self. It awakens and upgrades one’s consciousness to allow for the individual, family, group, and/or organization to provide for basic needs and realize full potential and purpose in life.

How do we begin to live the hoʻoponopono lifestyle?

Hoʻoponopon begins with one’s self-identity and how life is viewed through the lens of that identity. We learn to value the energy of truth to help us to be responsible for our own beliefs, views, intentions, desires, and deeds in life. We learn how to “make right”, and to be at peace with ourselves through the forgiveness process that we can then extend to others in our life.

Where does the hoʻoponopono way of life originate?

I believe the origins are in the universal laws and teachings imbued with love, light, and truth, which are encoded in one’s DNA. Our Hawaiian culture’s ancestral lineage lived the hoʻoponopono way of life. These teachings are passed on to future generations. This lifestyle is founded on spiritual principles that connect all cultures and religions.

For more information:

Gmail: Facebook: Donna Vida IG: Hooponopono_Way_of_Life

Contact DONNA